Hello and welcome to the Bolofology!
The burden of telling you about me is that I have to do it in English. I am Mongezi Moeketsi Bolofo and I am passionate about isiZulu. I am 32 years old and on a mission to make a positive contribution towards the upliftment of isiZulu to be a language of intelligence, knowledge production, economic development, technology and governance. I am a Masters student and an isiZulu Language Practitioner with one of the Government Parastatals. In 2008 completed my Honours in isiZulu and worked as a primary school teacher, dear God I love teaching! I have been a freelance translator and interpreter of isiZulu since 2007.
I believe that the speakers of African languages will only taste true freedom when they are allowed to access information and education in their languages. I am of the view that the ultra-Anglicisation of systems in South Africa is the deliberate plan to keep the majority of the population out of the economic arena. English is a barricade and does not have to be a thinking language for South Africans; we only need minimum English to be able to get the message across.
My mission is to raise awareness of linguistic rights. I seek to empower people that they may be able to stand and demand to be addressed in their languages. I also aim to make business and government aware of the need to serve people in their tongues. Crucial to my mission is the need to sensitize people to appreciate diversity and encourage others to speak their languages without being ethnocentric.
So go ahead and read some of my offerings and feel free to add your commentary, extra discussion and counter-arguments. This will make the world a better place and everyone’s tongue will be free!!!! Let me acknowledge this: there is still a long road to go and a multitude of questions to answer around the issue of languages, but a journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step…….